Contractual Posts
- Notification Regarding Rescheduled date of walk in interview for the Department of Economics
- Employment Notification for Laboratory Staff in the Department of Agricultural Engineering
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculty in the Department of Business Administration
- Re-Scheduled date of walk in interview for the Department of Applied Science & Humanities
- Walk In Interview for recruitment of Database Programmer in the Department of IQAC
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculty in the Department of Business Administration
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculty at the Department of Economics
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculty at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculty at the Department of Pharmaceutical Science
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculty at the Department of Microbiology.
- Walk In Interview for Guest Faculties at the Department of Applied Science and Humanities
- Notification Regarding Guest Faculties in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Walk In Interview at the office of the Head of Department of Department of Ecology and Environmental Science.
- Walk In Interview at the Office of the Head of Department of Department of Arabic
- Walk In Interview at the Office of the Head of Department of Department of Computer Science & Engineering
- Walk In Interview at the Office of the Head of Department of Department of History
- Walk In Interview at the Office of the Head of Department of Department of Statistics
- Walk in Interview at the Office of the Head of Department of Agricultural Engineering.
- Notification for walk-in-interview for guest faculty in Visual Arts.
- Notification regarding the advertisement for engagement of guest faculties in the Deptt of Computer Science
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculties, in Department of Political Science and History, Diphu Campus.
- Notification for walk-in-interview for guest faculty, Department of Electronics & Communication engg.
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculty, Department of History
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculty, Department of Linguistics
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculty, Department of Statistics
- Notification for walk-in-interview for Guest Faculties, Department of Geography of AUDC.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Business Administration
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Arabic
- असम विश्वविद्यालय, सिल्चर और दिपू परिसर में शैक्षिक पदों को भरने के संबंध में रोजगार सूचना।
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Microbiology.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty for Assam University B.Voc programme.
- Notification for Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in School of Education.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Economics.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Pharmaceutical Science.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty at various Department of Assam University, Diphu Campus
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculties in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Assam University SilcharWalk-in Interview: 04-01-2018
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Sanskrit at Assam University SilcharWalk-in Interview: 20-12-2017
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of English at Assam University Diphu Campus Walk-in Interview: 22-09-2017
- Walk-In Interview for the post of Guest Faculty for the Department of Urdu at Assam University.
- Application are Invited for the post of JTA and Office Assistant on Contractual Basis.
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Political Science at Assam University Diphu Campus Walk-in Interview: 08-09-2017
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Assam University, Silchar Walk-in Interview: 08-09-2017
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Social Work at Assam University, Silchar Walk-in Interview: 09-09-2017
- Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in the Department of Life Science and Bioinformatics at Assam University, Diphu Campus Walk-in Interview: 31-08-2017
- Notification for Walk-in-interview for guest faculty in Agricultural Engineering. Walk-in Interview: 04-09-2017
- Employment notification for the post of ‘Nurse’ in Assam University, Diphu Campus.
- Walk-In Interview for the post of Guest Faculties on purely temporary Basis for B.Voc Programme. Walk-in Interview: 28-08-2017
- Walk-In Interview for the post of Guest Faculties at Assam University, Silchar Walk-in Interview: 23-08-2017
- Walk-In Interview for the post of Guest Faculty for the Department of Lingustics at Assam University. Walk-in Interview: 23-08-2017
- Walk-In Interview for the post of Guest Faculty for the Department of Arabic at Assam University. Walk-in Interview: 18-08-2017