The Thrust Areas of Research of the Department are
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | Water Resources Development and Management |
Ground Water Hydrology | Rainwater Harvesting |
Watershed Management | Aquacultural Engineering |
Farm Power and Machinery | Renewable Sources Energy and Utilization |
Waste recycling and Bi-product Utilization | Mechanization of Horticultural Crops |
Bioprocess Engineering | Food Processing and Dairy Engineering |
Tea Processing Technology | Climate Change and Climate Resilient Agriculture |
Remote Sensing and GIS |
Course Offered
Courses Offered | Duration | Number of Seats | Program Course Structure | |
B.Tech (by course work) |
Four Years | 60 | B.Tech(Syllabus) | |
M.Tech (by course work) |
Two Years |
18 | M.Tech(Syllabus) | |
Ph.D. (by course work and research work) |
IPP Coursework(Syllabus) |
Name | Designation | Area of Research | Email & Contact |
Laxmi Narayan Sethi*, Ph.D. | Professor | Land and Water Resources Development and Management, Rainwater Harvesting, Soil Water and Nutrient Balance Modelling, Decision Support System, Climate Change, Protective Cultivation, Integrated Renewable Energy in Micro Irrigation, Solar and Biomass Integrated Food Processing System, Nano Technology, Value Addition and Process Standardization. | lnsethi06@gmail.com laxmi.narayan.sethi@aus.ac.in (+91) 94018 47943 |
Ajita Tiwari Ph.D., PDF (KIT Germany) | Assistant Professor, Head (i/c) | Process and Food Engineering, Extrusion Technology, Food Waste Management, Food Industry Management, Modeling and Simulation. | ajitatiwari@gmail.com |
M. Padhiary M. Tech. | Assistant Professor | Farm Machinery, Power and Energy, Robotics and Machine Learning, Image Processing, Machine Design and Manufacturing, Renewable Energy, Green Farming. | mrutyu@gmail.com(+91-9476897510) |
Avinash Kumar, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Aquacultural Engineering, Water Resources Development & Management, Farm Mechanization, Soil & Water Conservation Engineering. | avinashiitkgp86@gmail.com avinash.kumar@aus.ac.in (+91) 94357 79233 |
Chetan Khobragade Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Renewable Energy Sources, Farm Machinery and Power | khobragadechetan@gmail.com |
Saikat Roy*, M.E. | Assistant Professor | Water Resources & Hydraulic Engineering | saikatroyubkv@gmail.com (+91)9163461981 |
Gajendra Prasad M.Tech. |
Assistant Professor | Dairy and Food Engineering, Modelling and Optimization. | iitkgp.gajendra@gmail.com (+91)8811083834 |
Ajay Kumar Swarnakar | Assistant Professor | Food Process Engineering, Microwave Heating, Puffing of Grains, Grain processing | aksw11@gmail.com (+91) 8101766639 |
Sanayanbi Hodam | Assistant Professor | (+91) 7300584114 |
*Presently not available for teaching in the department.
The Department has the well equipped laboratories for conducting experiments and research in various aspects of Agricultural Engineering and inter-disciplinary areas. The library of the Department fulfils the needs of the UG and PG courses. The Department has the computing facilities with the software’s for the design, drafting, simulation, modelling, watershed management, GIS and RS
Head of the Department
Dr. Ajita Tiwari (i/c)
The Agricultural Engineering graduates have the great demand in tractor, farm machinery, irrigation and food processing industries. Opportunities exist in Government, Non-Government and private sector in the areas of farm mechanization, energy management, automation, climate change, watershed management, irrigation and flood control, rain water harvesting, dairy and food engineering, food processing, value addition, aquaculture etc. There exists a huge scope for the entrepreneurship in the inter-disciplinary areas with agricultural engineering graduates playing a crucial role.