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Departmental Profile

The Department of Commerce was one of the first six departments of Assam University, which started functioning in July 1994. The Department offers Master of Commerce (M.Com), P. G. Diploma in Marketing Management (Self-Financed), M.Phil, and Ph.D. Programmes in its curriculum. The thrust of the teaching and research in the department is one of developing capabilities among the students for analyzing contemporary business scenario so as to be able to make correct and timely business decisions. The department has laid special focus on Entrepreneurship and Small Business studies. The offered ranges of specialization cover such areas as Finance, Accounting and Taxation,  Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Human Resource Management among others.


  • Learning with national recognition and provide access to student-centric quality education, knowledge up gradation and training to all by using innovative teaching and methodologies for promoting local, national and global development in higher educational field.


  • To contribute through the pursuit of excellence in teaching and other innovative academic endeavors pertaining to commerce education and research to the process of developing capable and dynamic human resources and thereby to the intellectual, economic and socio – cultural development of the nation in general and north east India in particular.

Courses Offered

Courses Offered Duration Number of Seats
M.Com (By Course Work & Dissertation) Four Semester 50
M.Phil (By Course Work & Dissertation)   As per vacancy
Ph.D. (By Course Work and Research Work)   As per vacancy
D.Litt. (By Research Work)    
PGDMM (Self-Financed)


(By Course Work & Dissertation)

Two Semester 20


Name & Qualification Designation Area of Specialization Contact & Email ID
Parag Shil   M.Com, PGDMM, M.Phil, Ph.D, Post-Doc (USA) Professor Marketing,


Accounting & Finance





Soumendra Bhattacharjee M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D. Associate Professor Human Resource Management soumendrab70@gmail.com



+91-9830419253 / 8777302493

Chandra Das    M.Com., M. Phil, PhD
Associate Professor Accounting & Finance ramchandra3112@gmail.com



Kingshuk Adhikari,  M.Com, M.Phil,Ph.D. Associate Professor Finance & Marketing adhikari.au@gmail.com



Soma Roy Dey Choudhury,    M.Com, M.Phil., Ph.D. Associate Professor Accounting & Entrepreneurship srdc26@gmail.com



A. S. Yasro,  M.Com, Ph.D. Associate Professor Marketing & HRM asyarso@gmail.com



Rajat Sharmacharjee,  M.Com, PhD Assistant Professor Accounting & Finance rajatau@rediffmail.com



Pranesh Debnath, M.Com., Ph.D. Assistant Professor Accounting & Finance





Head of the Department

Dr. Soumendra Bhattacharjee

List of HODs

List of Ex-Faculty

List of Gold Medalists


A good number of passed out students are now employed as teachers in colleges, universities and other educational institutions. Also, many of the students have found placements in industrial and service organisations within and outside North East India.