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Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), AUS

A complaint committee against sexual harassment of Female employees was constituted by the University in June, 1998 consequent upon the judgement of the Supreme court in VIshakha and others vs State of Rajasthan case in 1997 and the guidelines received from UGC. Later, the committee was named as GENDER AWARENESS ACTION AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT. In Nov. 2012, the Committee against Sexual harassment ( CASH) was constituted. Keeping in view the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women in workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the University policy for prohibiting discrimination and Sexual harassment, a four member internal committee (ICC) was constituted in 2013. The Committee has a term of maximum three years. Any stakeholder of the University can approach the committee via authorities or directly if they feel that they are victims to sexual harassment at workplace.

Procedure for lodging a complaint;

Any aggrieved person can directly write to the chairperson of ICC at iccaus2020@gmail.com or to the Registrar, AUS at registrar@aus.ac.in or to the Vice Chancellor, AUS at vc@aus.ac.in describing the issue along with the supporting documents. Hardcopy may also be submitted to the Registrar office, AUS or directly put in the complaint box kept near the office of the Registrar, AUS. In case one wishes to have an informal discussion, she/ he can write to ICC chair seeking an appointment.

5 things to know about sexual harassment at workplace laws

  • Women are covered under this Act if you are an employee whether part time, full time or intern. It even protects those women who are visiting on a regular, ad hoc or daily wage basis. As per section 2(a) (i), an aggrieved woman means a woman whether employed or not, who alleges to have been subjugated by sexual harassment.
  • Inappropriate behaviour should be recognized as soon as possible and it should not be tolerated.
  • A complaint can be filed within three months from the date of offence. If you are no able to lodge a complaint due to some problems, then local committee or ICC can extend the time limit, in writing.
  • In case, the aggrieved woman is not able to file complaint due to mental or physical injury, then her legal heir or any such person can lodge on her behalf.
  • A request can be made for leave or transfer to a different branch, in accordance with Section 12 of the Act.

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