Terms and Conditions for using the ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility :
- The Login account for accessing the facility is given to the Faculty members or Research Scholars of Assam University (hereafter referred as the ‘User’).
- The User will use the facility for academic and research purposes only.
- The User will strictly adhere to respective licensing policies of all third-party software.
- The User will not hold ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility responsible for any unavailability of service, loss of data, emergent shut-down or any other performance issues.
- The User will be solely responsible for installation of software or any other activities done with his/her login. Any activity using this facility which violates international/national laws is prohibited. The User is solely responsible for maintenance, security and backup of data in their respective user account.
- The User accepts that his/her account will be suspended immediately if it is found to pose any security risk or if any fraudulent activities are noticed.
- After the expiry of the approved duration of a User account, the data will be available only for a period of three months after which data and account would be removed, unless the account is renewed.
- The User will duly acknowledge the facility in their publications. (Kindly Acknowledge the following: “ICT Data Centre and High Performance Computing Facility, Assam University” and intimate this Center about such publications)
- The User will adhere to any changes in terms and conditions made available from time to time.