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LIS Open Access Journals

Open Access Journals in Library and Information Science

Open access (OA) refers to free, unrestricted online access to research outputs such as journal articles, research papers, books, and other digital reading materials. OA content is open to all, with no access fees. Open access journals can be very resourceful and helpful for the students and scholars.

Following are some of the Open Access LIS Journals which can be accessed by clicking the links. The links are verified and these can provide reading, materials helpful for the LIS students and research scholars. Students are still advised to check the authenticity of these journals. For any wrong-links or any issues related to these links, the site admin should be contacted immediately.

  1. Brazilian Journal of Information Science
  2. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
  3. Collaborative Librarianship
  4. Communications in Information Literacy
  5. Cybermetrics : International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics
  6. D-Lib Magazine
  7. E-JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship
  8. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management
  9. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice
  10. Information Research: an international electronic journal
  11. Information Technology and Libraries
  12. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship : a quarterly publication of the Science and Technology Section, Association of College and Research Libraries
  13. Journal of Digital Information
  14. Journal of eScience Librarianship
  15. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences
  16. Journal of Information Literacy
  17. Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations
  18. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication
  19. Journal of Library Innovation
  20. Journal of southern academic and special librarianship
  21. Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association
  22. Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries
  23. Journal of the Medical Library Association
  24. Liber Quarterly : The Journal of European Research Libraries
  25. Library and Information Research : Research into Practice for Information & Library Services
  26. Library Philosophy and Practice
  27. Practical Academic Librarianship
  28. School Library Media Research
  29. Singapore Journal of Library & Information Management
  30. South African Journal of Information Management
  31. Webology