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Students’ Publications

Nilratan Bhattacharjee:

  1.  Sarmah M, Bhattacharjee N (2015). Knowledge Sharing Practices Through Institutional Repositories in Indian Research Institutions: An Empirical Study. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 3(11): pp. 310-316.
  2. Sarmah, M. and Bhattacharjee, N. (2015). Open Access Repositories In Global Context: In Bilingual International Conference on Information Technology: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, 19-21 February 2015. pp 85-90.

Rajesh Chutia:

  1. Chutia, R. (2020). Accessibility and Adaptability Traits of Online Classroom in Customary Setting. In N.K.Pachauri (Ed.), Virtual and Online Classroom (2020 ed., pp. 199-209). Agra: Associated Publishing House.
  2. Chutia, R., & Devi, R. M. (2020). Strategies of Knowledge Sharing Among the Postgraduate. Library Philosophy and Practice.
  3. Chutia, R., & Sarmah, M. (2017). Endorsing Libraries as Tourist Place: An unconventional and innovative idea to maximize the conventional use of libraries. ICTL 2017, (pp. 440-460).
  4. Chutia, R., & Sarmah, M. (2017). Preservation and Conservation of Indigenous Art and Paintings: Initiatives Taken in India. Art as Praxis of Connectivity and Integration in Indian Sub-Continent (pp. 200-212). Silchar: Art Echo.
  5. Chutia, R., & Sarmah, M. (2018). A Qualitative Assessment on Library Anxiety among the Library Users of Assam University. LISPA, IV, 1-12.
  7. Sinha, M. K., & Chutia, R. (2016). A Study on Information Seeking and Information Sharing Behaviour of Media Professionals of Cachar District of South Assam. NCITE (pp. 237-247). New Delhi: Modern Rohini Education Society.

Dhan Maya Chetry:

  1. Chetry, D. M. & Dey, N. C. (2020). Mapping Indian Contribution in Rice Beer Research: A Bibliometric Assessment. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 4670. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/4670
  2. Chetry, D. M. & Dey, N. C. (2019). Use of Academic Social Networking Sites for Research: A Study among the LIS Scholars of Universities of Northeast India. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 56(5), 261-265. doi:10.17821/srels/2019/v56i5/145782

Rafique Uddin Laskar:

  1. Laskar, R. U. & Dey, N. C. (2020). Library Best Practices: A Study of Selected Colleges Affiliated to Assam University, Silchar. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7 (17), 3106-3114. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.17.388

Dr. Anupam Chanda:

  1. Sinha, M. K., & Chanda, A. (2014). Exploring RFID Technology application for managing Library and
    Information Services in University and Institutional Libraries of North East India: An Overview.
    International Journal of Information Sources and Services, 1(3), 72-85.
  2. Sinha, M. K., & Chanda, A. (2014). Usage of E-Resources by the Scientific Community Library users of
    Assam University, Silchar: A Comparative Study. Asia Pacific Journal of Research: A peer-reviewed International Journal, I(XVI), 133-153.
  3. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2015). RFID Technology for Managing Next-Generation Smart Library
    Systems. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  4. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2017). Introducing RFID Technology for Managing the Next-Generation Smart Library Systems and Services: An Overview. In K. C. Satpathy, & K. Singha, Emerging Trends and Human Resources Management in Library and Information Science (pp. 171-198). New Delhi:
    Shankar’s Book Agency Pvt. Ltd.
  5. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2017). Transforming Library Services by Using RFID Technology A case study on IIT Guwahati and RGU Itanagar. 1st International Conference on Transforming Library, 2017
    (pp. 812-827). Kokrajhar: MRB Publishers.
  6. Purkayastha, N., & Chanda, A. (2018). WHATSAPP AS A MEANS OF SHARING INFORMATION AMONG LIS PROFESSIONALS. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social
    Sciences (IMPACT: IJRANSS), 6(9), 69-82.
  7. Chanda, A. (2018). Automation scenario of libraries of NIELIT in Assam: A case study. In M. A. Gayan, & S. Das, Library and Information Services in Digital Environment: Challenges and Prospects (pp. 17-
    32). New Delhi: OMSONS PUBLICATIONS.
  8. Chanda, A. (2018). Resource Sharing and Universal Access to Information using Cloud Computing
    Technology in Libraries. International Journal of Library Science, 16(2), 11-22.
  9. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2018). Use of RFID Technology in College Libraries of Assam: A Case Study. Professional Journal of Library and Information Technology, 8(1), 150-1662.
    Bhattacharjee, H., & Chanda, A. (2018). ROLE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES TO MODERNIZE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences
    (IMPACT: IJRANSS), 6(9), 61-68.
  10. Bareh, C., & Chanda, A. (2018). The Implementation of Koha Web-OPAC: A Study of Assam Don Bosco University Library. JNEIC (Journal of Northeast Indian Cultures), 4(1), 55-82.
  11. Chanda, A. (2019). Barcode Technology and its Application in Libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-16.
  12. Chanda, A. (2019). Installation Process of Radio Frequency Identification System in Libraries: A Case
    Study on Assam Don Bosco University Library. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-18.
  13. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2019). Importance of RFID Technology in Libraries: A Case Study of CIT
    Kokrajhar Central Library. In M. K. Verma, K. Devi, & N. Chakraborty, Information Resource
    Management in Digital Era (pp. 216-233). New Delhi: Shree Publishers and Distributors.
  14. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2019). RFID Technology in Academic Libraries of North-East India. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-16.
  15. Chanda, A. (2020). Customization of Koha Online Public Access Catalogue: An Experimental Study. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-18.
  16. Chanda, A. (2020). Open access e-resources and its usefulness in today’s changing world: A study. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (JIM), 7(2), 89-96.
  17. Chanda, A. (2020). Usefulness of Android Application in the Library: A Case Study on Assam Don Bosco University Library. International Information and Library Review, 52(1), 58-63.
  18. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2020). Usage of e-resources available under DeLCON and UGC-INFONET Consortia: A Comparative Study on Digital Library Consortia. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
  19. Chanda, A. (2021). A Study on Information Need and Information Seeking Behaviour of College Students in Guwahati Metro. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-16.
  20. Chanda, A. (2021). Awareness of E-Resources among the College Students in Assam: A Study. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-17.
  21. Chanda, A. (2021). Awareness of Open-Access E-Resources among the LIS professionals of North-East India: A Study. GRANTHAKUTI: A Peer-Reviewed and Referred Annual Journal on Library and Information Science and Related Studies, VII, 136-145.
  22. Chanda, A. (2021). COVID 19 AND ITS EFFECT ON THE LIVELIHOOD OF RURAL WOMEN: A STUDY. In B. Das, COVID-19 Pandemic and Challenges: A Gender Perspective (pp. 59-69). New Delhi: Mittal Publications.
  23. Chanda, A. (2021). Data Storage Management and Security Issues in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Library Science, 19(1), 1-7.
  24. Chanda, A. (2021). Importance of Digital Library in Academic Institutions. Journal of Intellectualls (JoI), 1(1), 11-20.
  25. Chanda, A. (2021). RFID Technology and its Importance in the Library. India: Kindle Direct Publishing.
  26. Chanda, A. (2021). The Role of Social Media in Library Extension Services. International Journal of Library Science, 19(1), 25-35.
  27. Chanda, A. (2021). World Environment Day 2021: Ecosystem Restoration. In P. Bora, Paribesh: Chinta Charcha (pp. 211-216). Jorhat, Assam: Bahona College Publication Cell.
  28. Chanda, A., & Sinha, M. K. (2021). Impact of RFID Based Library System on Library Users: A Case Study of Assam Don Bosco University Library. In M. K. Sinha, Managing University and Institutional Libraries in 21st Century (Vol. 3, pp. 527-541). New Delhi: Shree Publishers and Distributors.
  29. Mir, S. A., & Chanda, A. (2021). Status of Public Libraries in Jammu and Kashmir: A Study. Journal of Engineering Technologies and Innovative Research, 8(7), c9-c18.
  30. Chanda, A. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on libraries and its challenges towards library professionals in Assam. International Journal of Library Science, 20(1), 1-14.
  31. Baruah, S., & Chanda, A. (2022). Collection Development Policy for E-Resources. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-13.
  32. Sarma, A., & Chanda, A. (2023). COVID-19 and Children: A Socio-Demographic Impact. In B. Das, T. Devi, & S. Dhar, CHALLENGES & DEVELOPMENT OF 21ST CENTURY: From Holistic Perspective (pp. 136-140). New Delhi: GLOBAL PUBLISHING HOUSE INDIA.