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MPhil/PhD Awarded (DLIS, AUS)

  1. Jyotika Borthakar (PhD Awarded in 2016)
  • Title of Research: Information Use Pattern by Scientist Working at Selected CSIR Laboratories of North East and Eastern India: A Study
  • Supervisor: Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha

2. Awadesh Singh Gautam (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of Research: Management & Usage of Electronic Resources in Central University Libraries of Uttarpradesh: A Study
  • Supervisor: Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha

3. Sudip Bhattacharjee (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of Research: Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour among Scientific Community in Digital Era: A Study of University Library Users in Assam State.
  • Supervisor: Dr Manoj Kumar Sinha

4. Sucheta Bhattacharjee (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of the Research: Usage of E-Resources in the University Libraries of Assam: A Comparative Study.
  • Supervisor: Dr Manoj Kumar Sinha

5. Nawal Kishor Manoj (PhD Awarded in 2015)

  • Title of the Research: Status of Collection Development and ICT Application in Libraries of Higher Education Institutions of Sikkim: A Study
  • Supervisor: Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha

6. Ram Kumar Pathak (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of the Research: Usage of Electronic Journals by Faculty Members: A Study of Selected Engineering College Libraries of Western Uttarpradesh
  • Supervisor: Dr Manoj Kumar Sinha

7. Monita Choudhury (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of the Research: Insights into Information Seeking and Communicating Behaviour of Agricultural Scientists of ICAR Institutes and Centres in North East India: A Study
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mukut Sarmah

8. Sehnara Begum Choudhury (PhD Awarded in 2015)

  • Title of the Research: Bibliometric Analysis of Doctoral Thesis in Life sciences submitted to Assam University during 1996 to 2012.
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mukut Sarmah

9. Deepshika Sen (PhD Awarded in 2016)

  • Title of Research: Awareness Towards Blended Learning as Paradigm of LIS Education in Selected
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mukut Sarmah

10. Dr. Anupam Chanda (PhD Awarded in 2018)

  • Title of Research: “Implementation of RFID Technology in Libraries of Higher Educational Institutions of North-East India: A Study”
  • Supervisor: Prof. Manoj Kumar Sinha

11. Shibojit Choudhury (PhD Awarded in 2020)

  • Title of the Research: Impact of Information Communication Technology on Management and Services of College Libraries Affiliated to Assam University: A Study
  • Supervisor: Dr. Mukut Sarmah