Q. What are the library’s opening hours?
A. The library remains open from 9:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M (Monday to Friday) and 10.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. on Saturday and during vacations. Timings of the library and hours of the services are subject to change from time to time which will duly be notified in the notice board of the library. Library remains Closed on Sundays and Government of India holidays.
Q. Do I need Library Membership?
A. If you want to study in the library and use the books and journals on the shelves, then you can just sign in as a day visitor at the library Admissions Desk
Q. How to join Library Membership?
A. All students, faculties and employees of the university are entitled for the membership of the Library and all bonafide members will have to fill up and sign a membership registration form available on university site (form section) or at help desk wing of the Membership Counter at Central Library along with Library Temporary ID, may be generated via OPAC self-Registration.or http://library.aus.ac.in/
Q. Which items can I borrow?
A. Only Books (General and Text Books) are available for check out. Reference Materials, Non-book Materials, Reports, Theses and journals must be used in the Library premises. However, non-issue items can be available for photocopy on payment basis.
Q. How can I Checkout reading materials?
A. First, search/advanced search the availability of your required documents in the library WEBOPAC under web page of university http://library.aus.ac.in/ or web portal, followed by find the books in the stacks for yourself. Second, check out the books using Smart Card at help desk (circulation wing). Circulation hours are remain open Monday to Friday 9.30 A.M to 4.30 and 10.00 A.M. – 5.00 P.M. on Saturday and during vacations. Timings of the entire
help desk are subject to change from time to time which will duly be notified in the notice board of the library.
Q. How many books can I Borrow from library?
A. Circulation limits are defined on the basis of patron’s categories.
Category | Max no of books | Max issue period |
Student | 4 | 30 days |
RS | 8 | 30 days |
Faculties | 20 | 60 days |
Officers | 10 | 30 days |
Staff | 5 | 30 days |
Q. Why do I need to write my name/assign signature on the checkout slip at the time of borrowing?
A. It is to protect you against misusing and false issuing of documents against your account.
Q. How do I return the borrowed materials?
A. Smart card and documents may be presented at the Circulation Desk during the circulation hours. Always verify your account to ensure return and outstanding dues.
Q. How can one renew a book?
A. Books that have not been reserved by other members can be renewed at the Circulation Desk/ or you can renew your own borrowed items via OPAC provided you shall have to set the OPAC USER LOGIN. A document can be renewed only once within the due date, upon which it needs to be returned back to the Library.
Q. Do I need to renew library membership?
A. Yes, Students and Research Scholars have to renew their membership every year by paying prescribed library fees
Q. How can I keep abreast of the due dates?
A. You will have to check due date slip in the back page of issued books/ Frequently login your account to know the outstanding dues.
Q. How can I borrow an item which is currently checked out to another member?
A. One may get 2 (two) book(s) reserved for loan via WEBOPAC only. If the member fails to issue the books(s) within 2 days from the date of intimation; the reservation may be forfeited and such book(s) will be shown as available and ready for issue to other members.
Q. Are there any overdue fines for documents returned after due date?
A. It is expecting that library members should return/renew the books issues to them within stipulated timeframe. Failing to which, fine may be imposed on them as per following rules:
• @ Rs. 1.00 per copy for first 20 days and @ Rs. 1.00 per day thereafter for students and Scholars
• @ Rs. 1.00 per day for faculty members/ Staffs
Q. What should I do if loss/damage borrowed books?
A. The loss or damage of books borrowed by a member in his/her custody; the borrower shall be liable to:
1. Replace the book; OR
2. Bear the cost of replacement according to the following rules:
(a) Twice the Cost of the Book if it is less than 5 years old; (b) Three times the cost of the book, more than 5 years old; (c) Four times the cost of the book, if the book is out of print;
(d) If the book of a multi-volume set is lost or damaged, the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the same on the above line.
Q. What should I do if loss of Identity cum Library Smart Card?
A. The loss of ILS CARD should be reported immediately in writing to the Librarian along with FIR copy and a fine of Rs.500 will be charged for re-issue of a new card.
Q. Can I request the Library to purchase specific, new material?
A. Yes, you will have to download Requisition forms from the university site, all indents should get forwarded by their respective heads and handed over to the acquisition wings.
Q. Any reprography facility available for Library documents?
A. Yes, library materials can be photocopied inside the library on payment basis. no item from outside can be photocopied in library. However, Reference Books, Thesis, Dissertation, Rare books are not allowed for photocopying.
Q. How can one get Plagiarism verification Certificate?
A. Library will issue the plagiarism verification certificate and this certificate has to be submitted to the examination wing at the time of submission of the thesis. For more details, please visit library Help desk wing.
Q. What are electronic journals and databases?
A. We have an organised collection of electronic journals and databases available in full text for the library users in their subjects of interest. Check the list of electronic journals available on the library’s homepage http://library.aus.ac.in/
Q. What is needed for remote access?
A. You must have to create an account, kindly follow the steps:
Step 1. Login to your email ID and open the welcome email received from Rabindra library’s Remote Access portal.
Step 2. Click on the link that provided in your email.
Step 3. Set your User ID and Password. Barcoded alphanumeric number is your user ID. For example, T1 and NT2. Password is your Registered mobile number.
Step 4. Once your registration is completed, you can explore the portal, simply you needed to be login the Remote Access portal through the website http://library.aus.ac.in/ click on the Remote Access button to open the portal.
Q. How can I create personal account to access the new EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS)
A. At the very outset, you need to Log into the new EDS via the institutional authentication method provided by the library administrator. (i.e. user ID and password, IP address, etc.). However, this service is under trial mode and you will be notified within due course of time once it gets operational
Q. Where I can find answers which are not included here?
A. Ask the Librarian through an email: info.rabindralibrary@gmail.com. Or you may contact over telephone to: 03842-270887(Help Desk). Answers will be provided as soon as possible.