Rabindra (Central) Library, Assam University housed with text books, reference books, Thesis, Dissertations, Newspapers, Magazines, and Audio-Visual documents, etc. organised with best available tools & techniques to serve the users. Apart from the print resources, a good number of electronic resources comprising e-journals, online databases, gateway portal to e-journals are made accessible to the members on within the University campus.
Following rules and regulations are in force in this library:
A. Admission to the Library
- All bonafide members of the Assam University shall be allowed admission in the library. Bonafide categories are:
- Regular Students
- Research Scholars
- Project-related staffs
- Employee (Both permanent & Contractual)
- Ex-employees and family members of employees
- Any other person with the permission of the Librarian may enter the library.
- The right of admission shall be denied to a person if in the opinion of the Librarian he/she is:
- of unsound mind
- intoxicated
- shabbily dressed
- All the members must show the Identity cum Library Smart Card (ILS) at the security desk.
- All the members/visitors must Sign a register specially provided for the purpose by legibly entering all the columns. The signature shall ensure that the person concerned agrees to abide by the rule and regulations of the library.
- Only Loose sheets, Wallet, Mobiles, Laptops, Tabs and valuable items will be allowed inside the library.
- The TOKEN issued to the members must be keep properly by the member concerned. The security personnel will be handing over the items kept against the TOKEN to the holder only.
- Loss of TOKEN should be reported immediately to the security & belongings will be delivered after proper identity verification. An amount of Rs. 200 will be charged for loss of TOKEN.
- Members should cooperate and allow the security personal at the entrance of the library to examine everything while passes in to or goes out of the library.
B. Membership:
Regular Membership:
The following categories of persons shall become members of the Assam University Library System by default:
- All the regular employees of Assam University
- All the regular students, research scholars, post doctoral fellows of Assam University
All bonafide members above shall fill up and sign a membership registration form available at the Membership Section of the library.
After verifying all documents, an Identity cum Library Smart Card (ILS) will be issues to every member according to the category to which he/she belongs to.
Membership of a student shall remain valid till he/she remains on the roll of the University.
Membership of an employee will be valid till the last day of his/her service in Assam University.
Renewal of membership:
The students and research scholars have to renew their library membership every year by paying prescribed library fees.
Special Membership:
Provided that a person other than the above categories may be allowed to become member of the library as a special case on a request in writing from the person concerned. The decision of the Librarian in this regard shall be final. If a person is allowed to become a member of the library he/she shall pay an annual membership fee and security deposit.
Prescribed Library Fee & Caution deposit for Special Membership:
Type of Membership | Library Fee | Security Deposit (refundable) | Check out limit | Period of issue | Membership Period |
Guest/ Visiting Faculty of AUS | NIL | 3000 | 5 | 30 | as per contract |
Contractual AUS Non Teaching Staff | NIL | 2000 | 2 | 30 | as per contract |
Student/ Scholars of Affiliated Colleges | 200 | 2000 | 2 | 7 | 1 year |
Teachers/Employees of Affiliated colleges | 500 | 2000 | 2 | 7 | 1 year |
Individuals of Other institutions | 500 | 5000 | 2 | 7 | 1 month |
Institutional Membership of other institutions | 1000 | 10000 | 2 | 7 | 1 year |
C. Library Clearance Certificate:
A Library Clearance Certificate may be issued to members only on returning all books borrowed and surrendering the ILS.
Library clearance certificate is must for declaration of final result, award of MPhil/PHD/Any other degree, Superannuation/Resignation/Transfer of employees etc.
D. Loss of Identity cum Library Smart Card:
The loss of ILS CARD should be reported immediately in writing [in prescribed format] to the Librarian along with FIR copy and a fine of Rs.500 will be charged for re-issue of a new card.
E. Hours of Library Services (Monday-Friday)
Reading Halls (General & Reference) | 9.30 am to 5.00 pm |
Periodicals and Career Guidance | 9.30 am to 5.00 pm |
Circulation | 9.30 am to 4.30 pm |
E-Library | 9.30 am to 5.00 pm |
Photocopying Service | 11 am to 4.00 pm |
Membership | 10.00 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays |
Library Office | 09.30 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays |
Saturdays & Vacations | 10:00 – 17:00 hrs |
Sundays & Holiday | CLOSED |
The above timings of the Library are subject to change from time to time which will duly be notified in the Notice Board of the Library/University
F. Circulation Section
Issue/Return of Books
- The Circulation procedure is fully automated using KOHA LMS.
- The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to the registered members only.
- Members must come to the library personally and tender his/her Identity cum Library Smart Card (ILS) at the circulation counter at the time of transaction.
- The ILS is not transferable. If any member is found is fraudulent using of ILS, action may be taken as per university norms
- The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time.
Circulation limits (only books):
Category | Max no of books | Max issue period |
Student | 4 | 30 days |
RS | 8 | 30 days |
Faculties | 20 | 60 days |
Officers | 10 | 30 days |
Staff | 5 | 30 days |
G. Renewal of Issued Books:
The books issued to a member may be renewed only once provided:
- Renewal request is done within due date
- The book is not reserved by other members.
H. Reservation of Book:
A member may get 2 (two) book(s) reserved for loan through WEBOPAC only. If the member fails to issue the books(s) within 2 days from the date of intimation; the reservation may be forfeited and such book(s) will be shown as available and ready for issue to other members.
J. Gate Pass:
A Gate Pass will be issued by the circulation counter for each book issued to a member. The Gate Pass along with the issued book will have to be handed over to the Security Personal on duty for verification. After verifying the particulars, the Security personal will deliver the books to the borrower keeping the Gate Pass for record.
The members must put their signature on the GATE PASS.
The physical condition of the book should be checked while checking out. Mutilation of pages if found is to be brought to the notice of the circulation in-charge. Otherwise, the borrower himself/herself shall be responsible for mutilation of the book if detected
#Reference Books, Journals, Bound Periodicals, Newspapers, Thesis, Dissertation, Rare books, AV Materials, CD/DVDs will not be issued under any circumstances.
K. Overdue Fine:
Library members should return/renew the books issues to them within stipulated timeframe. FAILING to which fine may be imposed on them as per following rules:
- @ Rs. 1.00 per day for first 20 days and @ Rs. 1.00 per day thereafter for students and Scholars
- @ Rs. 1.00 per day for faculty members/ Staffs
L. Loss or Damage of Borrowed Books :
The loss or damage of books borrowed by a member in his/her custody; the borrower shall be liable to:
- Â Replace the book ; OR
- Bear the cost of replacement according to the following rules:
- Twice the Cost of the Book if it is less than 5 years old;
- Three times the cost of the book, more than 5 years old;
- Four times the cost of the book, if the book is out of print;
- If the book of a multi-volume set is lost or damaged, the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set or pay the cost of the same on the above line.
M. Periodical section
- Members must sign in the register available in periodical section.
- Members must endorse their name in the sheet provided with each copy of journal for record purpose.
- After consultation the documents should be kept of table.
- Periodical will not be issued, but photocopying is allowed upon permission.
- Old issues of periodical are available in Bound Periodical Section and are available for consultation & photocopying.
N. Reprography
- Specific Library items may be photocopied on payment of prescribed fee. Only library materials can be photocopied inside the library. No item from outside can be photocopied in library.
- ##Reference Books, Thesis, Dissertation, Rare books are not allowed for photocopying.
- WebOPAC facility is activated over Internet/Intranet through Assam University official Website.
- The library database can be accessed to check the availability of the book/journal/thesis in the library.
- Registered members may login to WebOPAC using ID/Password to check their circulating history, reserve books, update personal data, change password, submit purchase suggestion (teachers only) etc.
- The WebOPAC password can be reset on written request by the member.
- Email id & mobile number of each member is must of information update.
- The full text of AUS E-thesis can be accessed from Shodhganga through WebOPAC.
- The full text of subscribed e-journal can also be accessed through WebOPAC
P. Feedback:
- The users may submit feedback/suggestions to the librarian. Feedback form is available at Security Desk and same may be filled up and dropped in Feedback Box.
- Online feedback is also available over email.
Q. General Rules
- All kinds of personal belongings except specific items [given in A-6] are supposed to be kept in the property counter at the entrance.
- Silence is must inside the library.
- Mobile phone in vibration mode only is permissible. Receiving calls within library building not allowed.
- Photography is not allowed inside the library premises.
- Member shall not smoke or spit in any part of the library.
- No food item is allowed inside the library.
- Members are advised to check the availability of documents through WEB OPAC before physical browsing of the stacks.
- While browsing books, no book should be replaced by the member on the stack themselves.
- Books once picked out from the stack should be left in the reading table if not issued out.
- Underlining, marking, folding of pages, etc. of the book is strictly prohibited.
- Upon any infringement of the library rules, members shall forfeit privileges of admission and membership of the library.
- The librarian reserves the right to suspend or delinquent membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.
- The members caught tearing of pages/stealing books or otherwise mutilating books will be suspended forthwith from using library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against him/her by the university.
R. Guidelines E-Library Services
- Internet facility is restricted to the registered members of the Rabindra Library only. No outsiders are allowed to use this facility.
- Prior permission of the University Librarian must be obtained by visitors or research scholars from other institutions availing consultation facilities.
- Internet access facility is available in the E-Library only.
- Browsing internet in WEB-OPAC nodes is strictly restricted.
- Library members who need to use the Internet services must produce valid proof of identity (ILS).
- Library members must record their names and other details in the Users’ Register before and after using the Internet services. Maximum time allowed per session of browsing is 1 hour under normal accessibility conditions.
- Library members must make use of the Internet facility only to support their academic and research activities.
- Access to Social Networking Sites, E-Commerce Sites, Torrent, YouTube, Downloading Music, Video etc Is Strictly Prohibited
- Library members are requested to help library staff in identifying the unauthorized members since the Library’s Internet facility is only for registered library members.
- Library members are requested to bring to the notice of the University Librarian any misuse of the computer system s.
- Library members must not intentionally read other users’ computer screens, unless invited to do so, as such inappropriate behaviour amounts to breach of privacy.
- Library members must not monopolize the computer resources, i.e., using more than one computer at a time or spending an inordinate amount of time on a computer. W hen other library members are waiting; Internet service members are expected to observe the posted time limit.
- Library members must not install any software not specifically approved by the Library. Word-processing and other application software considered indispensable for academic activities are preloaded on all the computers in the Cyber Room.
- Library members must not attempt to bypass system restrictions or tam per with system files or applications. Unauthorized access to system files and/or attempting to disrupt the integrity of the system(s) tantamount to violation of Library Rules and Regulations.
- Library members found transmitting; disseminating, printing or downloading restricted items will be deemed to voluntarily invoke suspension of their library membership.
- Library members behaving in an abusive or harassing manner in the use of the Internet facilities provided by the Library will not be allowed further use of the Internet services.
- Library members must not indulge in unauthorized copying of copyright-protected materials. Library members are expected to observe relevant copyright laws and regulations.
- Library members must not deliberately waste or overload the computer resources.
- Stern action will be taken against Library members maliciously accessing, altering, deleting, damaging or destroying any computer system, network computer program or data.