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Departmental Profile

The Department of Linguistics came into being in 1995 with the aim of developing a better understanding of language study and linguistics. With the diverse linguistic scenario in North East India providing its backdrop, the thrust of the department’s endeavour has been on analyzing the languages of North East India. The department is also giving importance to the study of endangered languages of the North East India as a lot of minority languages are spoken in this part of the country which is considered to be endangered so that we can do something meaningful to preserve these languages. All the North Eastern languages show dialectal variations which need to be studied structurally as well as sociolinguistically. Such studies would help the standardization of languages and pave the ways for their use in education and other fields of socio-cultural life of North East India. Keeping this in view, the department has developed its course curriculum in such a way so as to enable the students at the Post Graduate level to acquire special knowledge to take up independent researches in future on various languages/dialects and their recent developments.

Courses Offered:

i] M. A. (by course work).      Duration: four semesters.                                                                            Intake capacity: 39
ii] Ph.D. (by course work & dissertation).

Faculty Members


Name Designation Area of Specialization Contact Details


Professor Sociolinguistics ajit.kumar.baishya@aus.ac.in/akb095@gmail.com

Mob: 9435566247

S. GANESH BASKARAN       Ph.D. Professor  Descriptive Linguistics, Lexicography,  Translation, Ethnolinguistics  s.ganesh.baskaran@aus.ac.in/baskaranld@gmail.com

Mob: 9435724267

KH. DHIREN SINGHA           M.Phil., Ph.D. Professor Phonology, Morphosyntax, Language Typology and Tibeto-Burman Linguistics kh.dhiren.singha@aus.ac.in/dhirensingha@rediffmail.com

Mob: 9435173346

D. MARY KIM HAOKIP        M.Phil., Ph.D. Assistant Professor & HOD (i/c) Language Teaching, Descriptive Linguistics and Field Linguistics d.mary.kim.haokip@aus.ac.in/marykimhaokip@gmail.com

Mob: 8638844962

PARAMITA PURKAIT          Ph.D. Assistant Professor Comparative Linguistics, Morphology, Semantics, Lexicology & Lexicography paramita.purkait@aus.ac.in/drparomita74@gmail.com

Mob: 9954839759

MONALI LONGMAILAI          Ph.D. Assistant Professor Morphosyntax, Areal Typology, Tibeto-Burman Languages, Language Documentation monali.longmailai@aus.ac.in/monalilong@gmail.com

Mob: 8638189306

Non-teaching staff: Mr. Satrajit Kurmi

Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)

E-mail: satrajitkurmi@yahoo.co.in

Mob: 9954870921

Mrs. Ratna Deb

Lower Division Clerk (LDC)

E-mail: ratnadeb27@gmail.com

Mob: 9435206999



E-Mail. d.mary.kim.haokip@aus.ac.in

Contact No.- 8638844962