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Projects Funded by External Agencies

Name of the ProjectName of the Principal Investigator/Co-investigatorName of the Funding AgencyType Govt/Non-govt)Year of AwardYear of CompletionFund Provided in Rs.Duration of the Project
Implementation and analysis of a Quantum Key distribution protocol for network securityPI- Bhagaban Swain, Co-PI: Sudipta Roy, Tapodhir AcharjeeDEITY, GOIGovt.20132016Rs. 32160003Yrs
Volume minimization in 3D VLSI Physical Design AuthenticationPI- Ajoy K. KhanDEITY, GOIGovt.20132015Rs. 5950002Yrs
Study and Analysis of Power Analysis Wave Forms of Side Chanel Attacks to identify the Cryptosystems.PI- Ajoy K. KhanDSTGovt20142015Rs. 11000001Yr