• 2021
1. Debaprasad Das, “Delay optimization using repeater insertion in folded graphene nanoribbon interconnect systems”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Wiley, (Accepted for publication). Impact Factor: 0.833
2. Vikas Prasad, Anirban Banerjee, Debaprasad Das,” Design of Ternary Encoder and Decoder using CNTFET “International Journal of Electronics, Manuscript ID TETN-2020-0857.R1. Impact Factor: 1.004
• 2020
1. Debaprasad Das, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of Folded Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Wiley, Published online. Impact Factor: 0.833.
2. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “An Efficient VLSI Test Data Compression Scheme for Circular Scan Architecture Based on Modified Ant Colony Meta-heuristic”, Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA), Springer, vol. 36, pp. 327-342. Impact Factor: 0.625.
3. Vikash Prasad, Debaprasad Das, “Design of Voltage Level Shifter using CNTFETs”, National Academy Science Letters (SCLE), Springer, vol. xx, no. xx, pp. xx-xx, 2020. Published online. Impact Factor: 0.331.
4. Chingakham Neeta Devi, Debaprasad Das, Haobam Mamata Devi, “A Meetei Mayek Handwritten Digit Recognition System”,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 17, no. 1, January 2020, pp. 334-339(6).
5. Waikhom Mona Chanu, Debaprasad Das, “Temperature-Dependent Analysis of Crosstalk and Delay Uncertainty in MLGNR Interconnects”, Engineering Reports, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Published online.
6. Debajyoti Misra, Gautam Das, Debaprasad Das, “An IoT based building health monitoring system supported by cloud”, Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Springer, Published online
7. K. Mondal, R. Rabidas, R. Dasgupta, A. Midya, and J. Chakraborty, “Enhancement of Hazy Images using Atmospheric Light Estimation Technique,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, In Press, 2020.
8. R. Rabidas and W. Arif, “Characterization of Mammographic Masses based on Local Photometric Attributes,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 79, pp.21967-21985, 2020.
• 2019
1. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Modeling and Analysis of Electro-thermal Impact of Crosstalk Induced Gate Oxide Reliability in Pristine and Intercalation Doped MLGNR Interconnects”, IEEE Transaction on Device and Materials Reliability, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 543-550, September 2019. Impact Factor : 1.583.
2. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Analysis of Temperature-Dependent Crosstalk for Graphene Nanoribbon and Copper Interconnects”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. xx, issue xx, pp. xx – xx, 2019. Impact Factor: 0.829. UGC Journal No. 30109.
3. Anirban Banerjee, Vikash Prasad, Debaprasad Das, “Design and Analysis of Ternary D-Latch Using CNTFETs”, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Sumy State University, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 04011-5, 2019. Impact Factor: 0.57
4. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, “Thermal Stability Analysis of Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnect and Applicability for Terahertz Frequency”, National Academy Science Letters (SCLE), Springer, vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 253-257, 2019. Impact Factor: 0.331.
5. Chingakham Neeta Devi, Debaprasad Das, Haobam Mamata Devi and Khwairakpam Chaoba Singh, “An Ensembled SVM Meetei Mayek Handwritten Character Recognition System with Robust Features”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, volume 11, 03-Special Issue, pp. 1267-1273, 2019.
6. R. Rabidas, A. Midya, J. Chakraborty, and W. Arif, “Multi-Resolution Analysis of Edge-Texture Features for Mammographic Mass Classification,” Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, vol. 20, pp.2050156, 2019.
• 2018
1. Sandip Bhattacharya, Subhajit Das, Arnab Mukhopadhyay, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Analysis of Temperature-Dependent Delay Optimization Model for GNR Interconnect Using Wire Sizing Method”, Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1536-1548, 2018. Impact Factor : 1.431, UGC Journal No. 6878.
2. Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Electro-thermal RF Modeling and Performance Analysis of Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects”, Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 1695-1708, 2018. Impact Factor : 1.431, UGC Journal No. 6878.
3. Nirupam Shome, R. H. Laskar, Debaprasad Das, “Reference free speech quality estimation for diverse data condition”, International Journal of Speech Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 585-599, 2018.
4. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “A Comprehensive Review of Applications of Don’t Care Bit Filling Techniques for Test Power Reduction in Digital VLSI Systems”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 941-949, 2018. UGC Journal No. 47077.
5. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “A SoC-IP Core Test Data Compression Scheme based on Error Correcting Hamming Codes”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 933-940, 2018. UGC Journal No. 47077.
6. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “An experimental analysis of the effect of fault dropping on Huffman-based test data compression techniques”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 119, no. 15, pp. 391-398, 2018. UGC Journal No. 23425.
7. Debajyoti Misra, Gautam Das, Trinankur Chakraborty, and Debaprasad Das, “An IoT-based waste management system monitored by cloud”, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Springer, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1574-1582, 2018. Impact Factor: 1.604. UGC Journal No. 24446.
8. Waikhom Mona Chanu and Debaprasad Das, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of MLGNR Interconnects”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 1850214-1-1850214-20, 2018. Impact Factor: 0.33. UGC Journal No. 21911.
9. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “A Systematic Review of the Literature of VLSI Fault Modeling and Diagnostic Approaches”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 10, no. 12 (Special issue), pp. 1547-1560, 2018.
• 2017
1.S. Baishya, D. Borthakur, R. Kashyap and A. Chatterjee, “A High Precision Lumped Parameter Model for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 17, no. 24, pp. 8350-8355, 15 Dec.15, 2017, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2017.2764165.
2. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Analysis of Delay Fault in GNR Power Interconnects”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Wiley, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1-16, 2018. Impact Factor: 0.622.
3. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Modeling and Performance Analysis of Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects”, National Academy Science Letters, Springer, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 325-329, 2017. Impact Factor: 0.345. UGC Journal No. 37249.
4. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Analysis of Simultaneous Switching Noise and IR-Drop in Side-Contact Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbon Power Distribution Network”, Journal of Circuit, Systems & Computers, World Scientific Publisher, Singapore, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1850001-1-17, 2017. Impact Factor: 0.33. UGC Journal No. 21911.
5. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Stability Analysis in Top-Contact and Side-Contact Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 63, issue 4, pp. 588 – 596, 2017. Impact Factor : 0.49. UGC Journal No. 30109. (IETE – J C BOSE MEMORIAL AWARD-2018)
6. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das and Pritam Singha, “An Inter Test Cube Bit Stream Connectivity Optimized X-Filling Approach Aiming Shift Power Reduction”, International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications (IJCTA), vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 689-696, 2017, ISSN: 0974-5572, International Science Press.
7. Sanjoy Mitra, and Debaprasad Das, “A critical study on the applications of run length encoding techniques in combined encoding schemes”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 8, No. 5, May-June 2017, ISSN No. 0976-5697, UGC Journal No. 2503.
• 2016
1. Waikhom Mona Chanu, Vikash Kumar, Ronit Kumar, Rahul Anand, Debaprasad Das, Modeling of Zigzag and Armchair GNR Interconnects, Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 5, No. 1 (2016), 108-112.
2. Vikash Prasad and Debaprasad Das, “A Review on MOSFET-Like CNTFETs”, Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 124-129, 2016, ISSN No. 2321-3388, UGC Journal No. 42342.
3. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “Recent Status and Key Issues in Fault testing of Reversible Circuits: An Emperical Analysis”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Engineering and Communication Technology (IJACECT), Vol. 5, Issue 3-4, pp. 13-22, 2016, ISSN (Print): 2278-5140.
4. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Analysis of temperature-dependent power supply voltage drop in graphene nanoribbon and Cu based power interconnects”, AIMS Materials Science, 2016, 3(4): 1493-1506. doi: 10.3934/matersci.2016.4. 1493, ISSN: 2372-0484. UGC Journal No. 43470.
5. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Reduced Thickness Interconnect Model using GNR to Avoid Crosstalk Effects” Journal of Computational Electronics, Springer, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 367-380, 2016. Impact Factor : 1.372, UGC Journal No. 6878.
6. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Temperature-Dependent IR-Drop Analysis in Graphene Nanoribbon Based Power Interconnect”, Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, vol. 8, no. 1, 01001(4pp) (2016). UGC Journal No. 24748.
• 2015
1. Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Investigating the Applicability of Graphene Nanoribbon as Signal and Power Interconnects for Nanometer Designs”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, World Scientific Publishing Company, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 1650001-14, 2015. Impact Factor: 0.3
• 2020
1. S. Kulkarni, and R. Rabidas, “A Comparative Study of Different Deep Learning Architectures for Benign-Malignant Mass Classification” International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, IoT, Smart Cities & Applications (ICMISC), Accepted, 2021.
2. R. Laishram, and R. Rabidas, “Detection of Mammographic Masses using FRFCM Optimized by PSO” 13th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), pp. 327-332, 2020.
3. R. Rabidas, D. Ravi, and S. Pradhan, R. Moudgollya, and A. Ganguly “Investigation and Improvement of VGG based Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Background Subtraction,” In 1st International Conference On Advanced Communication Technologies and Signal Processing (ACTS) 2020, in Press.
4. R. Rabidas, R. Laishram, and A. Roy, “Benign-Malignant Mass Characterization based on Multi-Gradient Quinary Patterns,” In Proceedings of Advances in Smart Communication and Imaging Systems: International Conference on Smart Communication and Imaging Systems, MEDCOM 2020, in Press.
5. A. Roy, S. Chandra, and R. Rabidas, “ Improved Switching Vector Median Filter for Removal of Impulse Noise from Color Images,” In Proceedings of Advances in Smart Communication and Imaging Systems: International Conference on Smart Communication and Imaging Systems, MEDCOM 2020, in Press.
6. N. Shome, R.H. Laskar, R. Kashyap, S. Bandyopadhyay, “A Robust Technique for End Point Detection Under Practical Environment” In: Bhattacharjee A., Borgohain S., Soni B., Verma G., Gao XZ. (eds) Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences. MIND 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1241. Springer, Singapore.
7. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, “A Short Review on Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect”, 2020 3rd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 04 – 06, March 2020, IIEST, Shibpur, India.
8. Vikash Prasad and Debaprasad Das, “Design of Ternary Content Addressable Memory using CNTFET”, International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and Systems (COMSYS-2020) 13 – 15 January 2020, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, India.
• 2019
1. Abantika Sinha, Maitreyee Das, Sukanya Deshamukhya, Anirban Banerjee and Debaprasad Das, “Design of a Reconfigurable Linear Feedback Shift Register”, International Seminar Cum Research Colloquium On MEMS Based Sensors and Smart Nanostructured Devices (MSSND 2019), December 2019, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
2. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, “Pristine and Intercalation Doped Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect—A Review”, 2019 1st International conference on ubiquitous and emerging concepts on sensors and transducers (UEMCOS – 2019), 25-27 April 2019, UEM, Kolkata.
3. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, “Comparative Stability Analysis of Pristine and AsF5 Intercalation Doped Top Contact Graphene Nano Ribbon Interconnects”, 2019 2nd International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS), 06 – 08, March 2019, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan.
• 2018
1. Debajyoti Misra, Gautam Das and Debaprasad Das, “An IoT based wireless energy harvesting using efficient voltage doubler stages in an RF to DC Converter”, 4th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation 2018, (ICCCA 2018), December 14-15, 2018, New Delhi, India.
2. Chingakham Neeta Devi, Debaprasad Das and Haobam Mamata Devi, “A Meetei Mayek Basic Characters Recognizer using Deep Features”, Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (CICBA-2018) July, 27-28, 2018 at Kalyani Government Engineering College, India.
3. Ashim Mahato, Shoiab Naafi and Debaprasad Das, “Using Probabilistic Optimization Algorithms to reduce PAPR in OFDM System”, Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (CICBA-2018) July, 27-28, 2018 at Kalyani Government Engineering College, India.
4. Vikash Prasad, Anirban Banerjee and Debaprasad Das, “Design of Ternary Logic Circuits using CNTFET”, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS 2018), 29-31 March, 2018, IIEST, Shibpur, India.
5. Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das and Hafizur Rahaman, “Performance Modeling of Intercalation Doped Graphene-Nanoribbon Interconnects”, IEEE International Symposium on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ISDCS 2018), 29-31 March, 2018, IIEST, Shibpur, India
• 2017
1. Sanjoy Mitra, Debaprasad Das, “An Inter-Test Cube Bit Stream Connectivity-Optimized X-Filling Approach Aiming Shift Power Reduction”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Applications, pp. 477-487, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 632, Springer, Singapore.
2. Debajyoti Misra, Gautam Das, Debaprasad Das, “Review on Internet of Things (IoT): Making the World Smart”, International Conference on Communication Devices and Networking (ICCDN 2017), 3 – 4 June, 2017, SMIT, India.
• 2016
1. Sanjoy Mitra and Debaprasad Das, “A stochastic heuristic based approach to test vector reordering for dynamic test power reduction”, 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I) 2016, pp. 524 – 529, 14-17 Dec. 2016, Greater Noida, India, DOI: 10.1109/IC3I.2016.7918020 (IEEE Xplore)
2. Sanjoy Mitra and Debaprasad Das, “Thermal effect aware X-bit filling technique for peak temperature reduction during VLSI testing”, 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I) 2016, pp. 215 – 220, 14-17 Dec. 2016, Greater Noida, India, DOI: 10.1109/IC3I.2016.7917963 (IEEE Xplore)
3. Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Design of Content Addressable Memory Cell using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors”, IEEE TechSym 2016, pp. 131 – 135, 30 Sep. – 2 Oct., 2016, IIT Kharagpur, India. (IEEE Xplore)
4. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, and Hafizur Rahaman, Temperature Dependent IR-Drop and Delay Analyses in Side-Contact Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbon Based Power Interconnects, 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2016), IIT Guwahati.
5. Waikhom Mona Chanu, Vikash Prasad, and Debaprasad Das, “Performance Analysis of Temperature Dependent GNR Interconnect”, 20th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2016), IIT Guwahati.
6. Mona Chanu Waikhom, Vikas Kumar, Ronit Kumar, Rahul Anand, Debaprasad Das, “Modeling of Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects”, 1st International Conference on “Devices for Integrated Circuits (DevIC 2016)”, 29-30 March, 2016, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani.
7. Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Design of 9-Transistor Content Addressable Memory Cells using Schottky-barrier Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors, International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication (MicroCom 2016), pp. 1 – 5, January 23-25, 2016, NIT Durgapur, India. (IEEE Xplore)
8. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, Delay Minimization of Multilayer Graphene Nanoribbon Based Interconnect Using Wire Sizing Method , International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication (MicroCom 2016), pp. 1 – 6, January 23-25, 2016, NIT Durgapur, India. (IEEE Xplore)
• 2015
1. Chingakham Neeta Devi, Haobam Mamata Devi, Debaprasad Das, “Robust Text Detection System for Meetei Mayek”, 4th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network (CCSN 2015), 24th & 25th December, Kolkata, India.
2. Waikhom Mona Chanu and Debaprasad Das, “Temperature Dependent Stability Model for Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnects”, 2nd International Conf. on Emerging Technologies – Micro to Nano, 24-25 October 2015, Jaipur, India. AIP Conference Proceedings 1724, 020029 (2016); DOI:
3. Chingakham Neeta Devi, Haobam Mamata Devi, Debaprasad Das, “Text Detection from Natural Scene Images for Manipuri Meetei Mayek Script”, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS), pp. 248 – 251, KIIT University, India, Nov 2-3, 2015. (IEEE Xplore).
• 2014
1. Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “A Novel GNR Interconnect Model to Reduce Crosstalk Delay”, 5th International Symposium On Electronic System Design, pp. 5-9, Dec. 15-17, 2014, NIT Surathkal, India. (IEEE Xplore)
2. Sandip Bhattacharya, Subhajit Das, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “Electrical Transport in Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect”, 2nd International Conference on (ICDCS), pp. 1 – 4, 6-8 Mar. 2014, Coimbatore, India. (IEEE Xplore)
3. Subhajit Das, Sandip Bhattacharya, Debaprasad Das, Hafizur Rahaman, “RF Performance Analysis on Graphene Nanoribbon Interconnect”, IEEE Students’ Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2014 , pp. 105 – 110, 28 Mar. – 2 Apr., 2014, IIT Kharagpur, India. (IEEE Xplore)

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